I can actually stand up and say that i am not the same person i was a year ago. I would never imagine myself in the position that i am now. I wish i could say that i am happy for myself.
But i am now in a seven month relationship which is going quite well and i can only hope that it will add more months to it. I have started a new job and have only been working for eight weeks and already I've gotten a promotion to become a store manager. Which means I wont be having much spare time for the first few months and so I really need to take better care of myself. My health, when i eat and most of all my skin.
It's difficult to keep nice skin when you're constantly working and stressing but i find that you just need a facial once a week whether if its just a simple face scrub or a long hour of face massage. But its going to be hard enough having the time to do the simple things.
All in all life comes and goes and whether you've been kicked down or pushed around what matters is getting back up and living your life.
Take life seriously for a change.
Yours, Alice~
Cool blog