It's amazing how time changes things. One moment you find someone to mean the world to you and in the following year they become a complete stranger that you would not think twice about.
Because every memory about that person just pisses you off because they were just so god damn pathetic.
What he did was right in his mind. What everyone else saw just made him look like an asshole who bullies the one they're with.
Of course I never noticed because I was an idiot but now that I'm standing on the outside looking in I had let the one that supposedly love me bully me for the whole two years that we were together.
Right from the beginning we weren't meant to be. But the twenty year old me was just so fascinated by something new. I would very much like to roundhouse kick her in the head. But then again I wouldn't have met all the new friends that I now have.
So there are some good causes from a fkd up relationship.
As for the friendships that you now have what will become of them? Time does changes things. whether it's five days, five weeks or even five months. So much and yet so little can change. Its whether or not you let it change and if they do change will you adapt to it?
The strongest survivor of events is the one that is able to adapt to change.
It's amazing how one thing can lead to the next. It's amazing how things change whether it's good or bad.
So within the past four months two long term relationships ended, friendships were made better and closer, decisions for self development was made, Canada was visited, attraction was felt and moves were made.
But that's life for you. Things change and you adapt. If nothing changes and you want them to then you have to put in effort for change to occur. Events of change or no change can have a big pull on a person. But there is always someone for you to reach out to. You're not alone, and you definitely don't have to fight on your own. Just don't let the negative side of things pull you down.
There is always happiness around the corner. To achieve that happiness you have to keep going to get to that corner.
Don't give up, never give up on your own happiness.
Only you can truly make yourself happy.